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![]() Accessible Location and Navigation "It is better to travel hopefully than to arrive." |
Sense Navigation QT Hot-Key Quick Reference GuideProgram menu, prompts, and dialog box movement commandsMove to previous menu/item: UP arrow Move to next menu/item: DOWN arrow Move to previous control: SHIFT-TAB key Move to next control: TAB key Toggle an option: SPACE Escape or close a menu, prompt or dialog box: ESCAPE key Close SenseNav: ALT-F4, ENTER Informational commands (Live or Virtual mode)Nearest address: A Current street: SLASH Current city: C Current city state/province and zip code: ALT-C Nearest intersection: X Next intersection (when a heading is established): COMMA Detailed description of nearest intersection: ALT-X Detailed description of next intersection (when a heading is established): ALT-COMMA Nearest intersection (dialog box): CONTROL-X Next intersection (dialog box): CONTROL-COMMA Location information (dialog box): CONTROL-I Heading compass and degrees: H or RIGHT_BRACKET Latitude and longitude coordinates: Y Altitude: Z Current navigation mode (live or virtual): ALT-I Live GPS navigation commandsToggle to Live navigation: V Speed: S or LEFT_BRACKET GPS estimated accuracy and number of satellites: G Quality and detailed GPS accuracy: Q Distance between virtual and GPS positions: I Force GPS heading: CONTROL-H GPS date and time: U Set Sense notetaker time to GPS time: CONTROL-U, TAB, ENTER Start/stop recording GPS replay: ALT-Q Pause/resume GPS replay: CONTROL-Q Write annotation to GPS REPLAY: W GPS status (dialog box): ALT-G Synchronize GPS and virtual position: CONTROL-V GPS receiver selection (dialog box): CONTROL-G or O, G Reconnect GPS receiver: ALT-R Virtual navigation commandsToggle to Virtual navigation: V Set virtual position by address: ALT-S Set virtual position to address, POI, or waypoint from inside a dialog box: ALT-V Set both virtual position and destination to address, POI, or waypoint from inside a dialog box: ALT-B Set virtual position to latitude and longitude coordinates: ALT-Y Set virtual position to live GPS position: CONTROL-V Distance between virtual and GPS positions: I Move forward 1 intersection: UP arrow Move backward 1 intersection: DOWN arrow Turn to next street on left: LEFT arrow Turn to next street on right: RIGHT arrow Side of Street Tracking: O, I Point of interest (POI) commandsDisplay name of nearest POI: P Display details of nearest POI (dialog box): ALT-P Play media associated with nearest POI: SEMICOLON Quick find of POI in all categories and directions: F Simple POI find by name specifying a category in all directions: ALT-F Advance POI find by specifying a category, distance, direction, or a specific field: CONTROL-F Find nearest user defined POIs: CONTROL-P Add New User POI from your current position: APOSTROPHE Add new user POI from address search: ALT-S Add new user POI from address or waypoint inside a dialog box: ALT-P Add new user POI from latitude and longitude coordinates: ALT-Y User POI manager: ALT-U Modify current POI from inside a POI list: ALT-M Delete current POI from inside a POI list: DELETE Route commandsCreate pedestrian (walking) route from address, POI, favorites, intersection annotation list, or history dialog box: ALT-W Create vehicle (driving) route from address, POI, favorites, intersection annotation list, or history dialog box: ALT-D Add waypoint from address, POI, favorites, intersection annotation list, or history dialog box: CONTROL-W Create pedestrian route after setting a destination: R, P Create vehicle route after setting a destination: R, V Create manual route: R, N Create route from a GPS replay: R, F Load saved route from file: R, O Save route to file: R, S Export route directions to text file: R, X Close current route: R, C Recalculate route: ALT-ACCENT or R, E Reverse manual route: R, R Percent of route completed and ETA: PERCENT Next turn or road transition: ACCENT or T Current waypoint: K Nearest waypoint: N Detailed next turn information (dialog box): CONTROL-T Detailed nearest waypoint information (dialog box): CONTROL-N Route status (dialog box): R, I Add current position as waypoint (dialog box): ALT-K List of turns (dialog box): INSERT-TAB List of waypoints (dialog box): INSERT-W Route announcement menu: R, A Route distance and ETA from current position to explore waypoint: R, A, G Total route distance: R, A, D Route distance from beginning of route to current position: R, A, B Route distance and ETA from current position to end of the route: R, A, E Route management menu: R, M Add current POI as a waypoint: R, M, P Route settings menu: R, T Set auto increment waypoint: R, T, A Set force sequential mode: R, T, F Set waypoint mode (turns only or all): R, T, M Set waypoint numbering: R, T, N Set auto recalculate route: R, T, R Pedestrian turn preference: R, T, X Vehicle turn preference: R, T, U Vehicle route mode: R, T, B Highways preference: R, T, H Toll road preference: R, T, T Roundabout preference: R, T, O Lookaround preference: R, T, L Set auto close route at destination: R, T, C Explore route to next waypoint: RIGHT arrow Explore route to previous waypoint: LEFT arrow Explore route to next turn: UP arrow Explore route to previous turn: DOWN arrow Destination commandsHeading and distance to destination: D Destination information (dialog box): CONTROL-D Set destination by address: ALT-S Set destination to address, POI, or waypoint from inside a dialog box: ALT-E Set both virtual position and destination to address, POI, or waypoint from inside a dialog box: ALT-B Set DESTINATION to latitude and longitude coordinates: ALT-Y Set current position as destination: ALT-E Lookaround commandsLookaround options menu: ALT-M Master lookaround on/off: ALT-M, L Intersections on/off: ALT-M, X Commercial POIs on/off: ALT-M, P User POIs on/off: ALT-M, U Street changes on/off: ALT-M, S City changes on/off: ALT-M, C Zip code changes on/off: ALT-M, Z Map changes on/off: ALT-M, M Annotation on/off: ALT-M, A Speed alert on/off: ALT-M, E Include tags in lookaround POIs: ALT-M, T Include distance and direction in lookaround POIs: ALT-M, N Choose lookaround POI category: ALT-M, G Choose lookaround POI sub-category: ALT-M, B Lookaround direction: ALT-M, D Set max speed for lookaround intersection: ALT-M, I Multiple repeat commandsMultiple repeat menu: M Turn off all multiple repeat commands: M, M Set multiple repeat interval: M, I Trigger all enabled multiple repeat announcements: ALT-A Intersection: M, X Detailed intersection: M, N Heading: M, H Destination: M, D Route current waypoint: M, K Route next turn: M, T Route ETA: M, E Speed: M, S GPS status: M, G City: M, C Nearest address: M, A Current POI: M, P Altitude: M, Z Latitude and longitude: M, Y Distance between GPS and virtual: M, V Distance traveled: M, B Percent of route completed: M, R Configuration and Option commandsConfiguration (dialog box): CONTROL-O Lookaround options (dialog box): CONTROL-L Route options (dialog box): CONTROL-R Multiple commands (dialog box): CONTROL-M Sounds (dialog box): CONTROL-S Option commands: O Map and POI folder: ALT-O or O, O Virtual Side of Street tracking: O, I Heading mode: O, H Street name mode: O, N Units: O, U Lat/Lon mode: O, L Automatically synchronize GPS to virtual position: O, Y Verbose prompts: O, V Automatically synchronize with GPS time: O, Z Use internal compass (Voice Sense qwerty: O, C Arrival distance: O, D Near threshold: O, T POI author name: O, A speed alert: O, E User definable POI: O, P GPS receiver selection: O, G Sounds menu: O, S Restore to factory defaults: O, R Turn on/off all sounds: O, S, S Destination arrival sound: O, S, D Virtual arrival sound: O, S, A Turn now sound: O, S, T Heading in wrong direction sound: O, S, E Continue straight sound: O, S, C Off route warning sound: O, S, O recalculating pedestrian route sound: O, S, P Recalculating vehicle route sound: O, S, V Approaching turn sound: O, S, R City sound: O, S, Y Street sound: O, S, K Map sound: O, S, M Intersection sound: O, S, I Annotation sound: O, S, N Speed alert sound: O, S, L GPS startup sound: O, S, G Miscellaneous commandsGPS/Virtual distance traveled: B Reset GPS/Virtual distance traveled: ALT-B Favorites list: INSERT-F Add to favorites from address, POI, waypoint, or history dialog box: ALT-F History list: INSERT-H Activate the Previous button from location or POI search dialog box: CONTROL-P Lock or unlock the keyboard: FUNCTION-L Repeat last command: SPACE Repeat last spoken message: L Copy currently displayed information to the clipboard: CONTROL-C Interrupt speech, CONTROL or SHIFT Install new License: ALT, F, L Map information (dialog box): ALT, I, M Custom dictionary: ALT, T, D Cross the Street: CONTROL-UP ARROW Intersection Annotation List: INSERT-A |
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