Nearest Address: A
Current City Information: C
Nearest Intersection: X
Detailed Description of Intersection: ALT-X
Where Am I Information: SPACE
Heading: H
GPS menu: ALT-G
Speed: S
Approximate GPS Distance-Accuracy, and Number of Satellites: G
Reconnect to Bluetooth GPS Receiver: G
Multiple Repeat Options: M
LookAround Options: ALT-M
Altitude: Z
Set Virtual to GPS: CONTROL-G
Start or Stop GPS Replay: ALT-G then P
Start or Stop Recording GPS Replay: ALT-G, then R
GPS Receiver Setup: ALT-G, then G
Switch between GPS and Explore Modes if available: V
Lookup an Address: ALT-S
Move Forward One Intersection: I
Turn Left: J
Turn Right: L
Move Backward One Intersection: K
Cross the street: U
Move to Next POI: Shift-I
Move Back to Previous POI: Shift-K
Turn Toward POI on Left: Shift-J
Turn Toward POI on Right: Shift-L
Enter POI: Enter or Shift-E
Other Actions on Current Position: CTRL-D
Heading and Distance to Destination: D
Clear Destination: ALT-F, then D
Nearest POI: P
Find Nearest POIs: F
Advanced POI Find: CTRL-F
Find My POIs: CTRL-M
Route Information: R
Next Turn in Route: T
Move Forward One Turn: I
Move Backward One Turn: K
Move Forward One Waypoint: L
Move Backward One Waypoint: J
Route Options: ALT-T, then R
Create Vehicular Route: ALT-R, A then V
Create Pedestrian Route: ALT-R, A then P
Open Route: CTRL-O
Save Route: CTRL-S
Print Route: CTRL-P
Close Route: CTRL-C
Reverse Route: ALT-R, then R
Route Progress: %
Zoom Out: PAGE UP
Zoom in: PAGE DOWN
Zoom to show full route: HOME
Odometer: O
Exit Program: ALT-F4
About Sendero Maps: ALT H, then A
Sendero Maps Command Summary: F1
Exit Sendero Maps: ALT-F, then X