Accessible GPS Comparisons

Accessible GPS Products Summary: Lists all accessible GPS products available

Accessible GPS Products Comparison by Mike May: This provides an overview of accessible GPS devices and guidelines for deciding which device to purchase.

A Book Review by Deborah Kendrick, Out and About: Our Favorite iOS Travel Apps, by Judy Dixon and Doug Wakefield, AFB AccessWorld May 2015, VOL 16, Number 15.

Out and About: Our Favorite iOS Travel Apps, by Judy Dixon and Doug Wakefield, National Braille Press.

The era of the seeing iPhone is here with apps for the visually impaired: Technology is changing the way the blind navigate both indoors and out, by Maxine Wally, Fortune, June 25, 2015.

Independent Travel Issues: The LookAround GPS from Sendero and the Ariadne GPS: Two iPhone Apps that Increase Independence for Blind and Visually Impaired Travelers by Janet Ingber, AFB AccessWorld Dec 2011, VOL 12, Number 12.

Understanding GPS: A look at the strengths and limitations of Global Positioning Systems for pedestrians who are blind or visually impaired by William Bielawski.

Oh Kapten! My Kapten! Where am I?: A Review of the Kapten PLUS Personal Navigation Device by Jim Denham, AFB AccessWorld.

Independent Travel Issues GPS on Your iPhone by Bradley Hodges, AFB AccessWorld.

Navigating by Phone: A Review of Wayfinder Access GPS and Mobile Geo, Part 2:by Darren Burton and Tara Annis, AFB AccessWorld.

Navigating by Phone: A Review of Wayfinder Access GPS and Mobile Geo, Part 1:by Darren Burton, AFB AccessWorld.

Going New Places: Bringing Sendero GPS to the Cell Phone:by Deborah Kendrick, AFB AccessWorld.

GPS Systems for the blind: Great Navigation Aids, but Not for the Faint of Heart: A review of accessible GPS systems from the Carroll Center for the Blind.

NFB Braille Monitor Comparison of accessible GPS devices: An overview of three accessible GPS devices for blind and visually impaired individuals, BrailleNote GPS, Trekker, and StreetTalk.

Sendero GPS for BrailleNotes benefits compared with Trekker

Navteq vs. Tele Atlas: Comparison of the two map companies used by accessible GPS systems.

Partially Accessible GPS Products

We are hearing more and more about partially accessible commercial GPS products. We will add review on these units as we hear from users or Sendero tests these units.

Kapten GPS Review